Welcome to my Journey

Hello, I am Sepideh Shamsizadeh, a dedicated professional with a passion for artificial intelligence and robotics. Let me take you through my academic and professional odyssey.

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Academic Background:

I graduated with a Master’s degree in Computer Engineering, specializing in AI and Robotics, from the esteemed University of Padova. Currently, I am leveraging my skills as a Project Manager at Eurapco, where I lead an AI team working on LLM & GenAI projects.

From Curious Student to Robotics Enthusiast:

My academic journey began with a love for mathematics and problem-solving. In high school, I excelled academically, achieving the second place in the Tehran Province Junior High School Mathematics Olympiad. This success continued as I ranked in the top 5% among more than 450,000 participants in the Iranian nationwide university entrance examination for the B.Sc. Program (2010).

Bachelor’s Degree in IT:

I pursued my Bachelor’s degree in IT at the University of Technology Kermanshah, Iran. Despite a modest overall GPA, I consistently ranked as the first top student in specialized courses such as Design Algorithm, Artificial Intelligence, and Theory of Languages and Automata.

During my bachelor’s, I also engaged in freelancing projects and maintained a website. Before completing my bachelor’s, I achieved the impressive rank of 189 among more than 30,000 participants in the Iranian nationwide university entrance examination for the M.Sc. Program (2013).

First Master’s Degree in Health Information Technology Engineering:

I embarked on my first Master’s degree in Health Information Technology Engineering at the University of Tehran. Despite personal challenges, I became the top student for the first two semesters. My fascination with genes and DNA led me to explore bioinformatics, resulting in a master’s thesis on “A novel algorithm to identify cancer-associated microRNAs.”

During my master’s, I worked on freelancing projects, joined a startup focusing on NLP, and eventually led the R&D team. Simultaneously, I contributed to the academic community by publishing a paper on cancer microRNA association discovery.

Second Master’s Degree in AI and Robotics:

Driven by a passion for AI and robotics, I pursued a second master’s degree in Italy. I excelled in the entrance examination, securing a spot in the program. Throughout this journey, I engaged in courses on Intelligent Robotics, Industrial Robotics, Robotics and Control, Computer Vision, and 3D Vision.

Self-Driving Cars and Intelligent Robotics:

Participating in the Bosch Future Mobility Self-Driving competition, I contributed to a team effort, gaining insights into self-driving car technology. Simultaneously, I worked on a mobile robot for my Intelligent Robotics course, utilizing ROS and Gazebo.

Robot Project:

Currently, I am working on a fascinating robot project as a sideline to my job at Eurapco. I am assembling it from scratch, configuring, and programming it. Soon, I will launch a YouTube channel to share my knowledge on robot programming and configuration, allowing enthusiasts to learn alongside me.

Project Manager at Eurapco:

Recognizing the need for enhanced time management and international communication skills, I transitioned to Eurapco as a Project Manager. This unique alliance of leading European insurance companies allows me to work on exciting projects while balancing my personal pursuits.

Continuous Learning:

In my pursuit of excellence, I am committed to continuous learning. I regularly enroll in online courses on platforms such as Udemy and Coursera to stay at the forefront of advancements in AI and robotics.

Future Goals:

While I cherish my current role, my ultimate goal is to become a professor. I aspire to contribute to the cutting edge of science, collaborate with bright minds, and foster a dynamic learning environment. Through this website, I will share my projects, research summaries, the progress of my personal robot, and some of my hobbies, including painting and book recommendations.

Stay tuned for updates, and soon, I’ll be launching a YouTube channel to share my knowledge on robot programming and configuration. Thank you for joining me on this incredible academic journey!